Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I didn't listen

This is what happens when I don't listen to my husband.  At least that's what one of my coworkers said.  

This nice and beautiful bruise comes compliments of our 3rd baseman on my softball team.  I play first base and he had a pretty wild throw that bounced just perfectly and rammed right into my calf.  This happened on monday, and it's only wednesday, and the picture doesn't do it justice.  Its a lot darker.  Something even more special, if you look at the inside of the bruise, the non bruised skin kinda looks like a heart.  I know, too much time staring at my bruise, but it keeps growing!  Tuesday it seriously doubled in size!!

In other exciting news I got a 'suspicious spot' take off my shoulder on monday.  They think it could be skin cancer.  I'm not really that worried if it is, because come on, I'm a red head with fair skin.  I basically counted on some day getting some skin cancer.  I wasn't however ready for the amount of skin they would remove!  They took out about 1/2 inch deep!!  Gross. 

2 wounds in 1 day, I think I should win an award or something...

5 peanut gallery:

Sarah and James Wagner said...

Hopefully it dosent hurt too much! It sure looks like it! But you are a strong woman!

Courtney said...

man, your second bruise from nathan... i'm calling the domestic abuse hotline ;)
ouch about your shoulder! i didn't even know you were looking at a spot! super crappy that they had to take so much!

Heather, Rex, etc. said...

That is a killer bruise. Make sure to wear shorts for awhile to show off how tough you are!!!!

Devanie said...

No skin cancer allowed missy! Well- think your leg makes you look hot- you go girl!

ThanBon said...

Sorry to hear about all your ouchies. Gotta admit though the bruise is kinda cool. Yeah that red head thing...I'm sure that'll be me some day too. I know my aunt got skin cancer and she loved the sun like I do. Not going to live my life inside, especially on a sunny day like today. Take care